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Here is the place where Dunklin County's Democratic women unite to become a part of the poltical process. It´s our hope that together we´ll ensure that 2014 proves to be the year woman in the Great State of Missouri grow a renewed commitment to the platform of the Democratic Party by actively participating in the political process to defend the issues you believe.


On this page, you will find information on general news on the Democratic Party, Missouri politics, and Local to National campaign updates. 

Obama secures Iran nuclear deal with Barbara Mikulski Vote

    by Ted Barrett, Jeremy Diamond, Elise Labott and Laura Koran, CNN


In a major victory for President Barack Obama, Democratic Sen. Barbara Mikulski of Maryland announced support for the Iran nuclear deal Wednesday, providing the White House the votes it needs to prevent Republicans from scuttling the agreement.


The announcement means that at least 34 senators -- the number required by the Constitution to sustain a veto -- will back Obama's expected veto of a Republican resolution to disapprove of the deal. Mikulski is retiring at the end of her term.


While majorities of both the GOP-controlled House and Senate are poised to vote against the agreement, supporters of the multinational accord that aims to curb Iran's nuclear weapons program are also hoping to get the 41 votes needed to filibuster the bill and prevent it from even getting to a final vote in the Senate.


Click here to read more. 

Party News



    by Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Democratic National Committee Chair

          April 26, 2016


WASHINGTON - Tonight, voters went to the polls in five states. In Pennsylvania, exit polling showed that 71 percent of Democratic voters felt their primary had energized the party while 58 percent of Republican voters said their primary had divided the party – nearly the same in both cases as what New Yorkers reported last week. DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz issued the following statement on tonight’s results: 
“Ranting and raving his way to five primary victories tonight, Donald Trump has secured his chokehold on the Republican nomination. For years, GOP leaders have pushed a cynical and feckless political strategy that exploits unfounded fears of immigrants, minorities, the poor, the LGBT community and more, all for political gain. They have sold hardworking Americans the empty promise of trickle-down prosperity, while strangling America’s middle class with backwards economic policies that only enrich those already at the top. Donald Trump’s impending nomination is the ultimate, sad culmination of the success of that strategy. Trump is the modern Republican Party.
“It’s no surprise that at exit polls in contest after contest, more and more Democratic voters are reporting that our primary process has energized our party, while more and more Republicans report deep, dispiriting divisions in theirs.
“I want to congratulate both of our candidates for continuing to run spirited, substantive campaigns worthy of the American people. It’s clear that when we get through our conventions, Democrats will emerge united having nominated the next president, while the GOP will have to wallow in the chaotic mess of their own making.”


Click here to read more from the DNC Chair. 

Missouri Politics


Koster won't appeal same-sex marriage ruling


Just hours after the U.S. Supreme Court turned away appeals from five states seeking to prohibit gay marriages, Missouri Attorney General Chris Koster signaled that the state is backing away from defending its own same-sex marriage ban.


For more on this story- Click Here




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